Dear friends of Holy Family Seminary,

It is true that in these times the Catholic Church is experiencing a shortage of vocation to the priesthood and the religious life, our Congregation of the Sons of the Holy Family, rejoices with the group of seminarians we have in the whole world, they will be able to work in God’s kingdom for the salvation of all families.
Our seminarians are very dedicated and generous young men, they were willing to leave their own families and follow their call to the Holy Priesthood, and they are called to holiness and service to souls in a world that is in urgent need of returning to Our Lord. However, they do not always have the financial means necessary for the at least nine years that it takes to complete the seminary program and be ordained a priest.
It is important to remember that the Seminary is not a parish and therefore cannot generate its own funds. As such, it must rely on the work of our priests to provide the funds it needs to pay for its operating expenses. Holy Family Seminary and the rest of the seminaries of the Sons of the Holy Family in the world have the same kind of expenses people do, such as utilities, food, transportation, building maintenance, medical and dental costs, and tuition for the seminarians. Yes, the expenses are very high.
Would you be willing to adopt a seminarian and help support him throughout his seminary years? While occasional donations to our seminary are gratefully accepted, we would be deeply thankful if you could commit a monthly amount to cover fully or at least partially the expenses of one of our seminarians. With your monthly support, you will help a young man reach God’s Altar and share in all the joys and blessings of his apostolic work.
You may set up monthly donations to the Sons of the Holy Family Missions by using PayPal, which allows you to use the Internet to make fast and secure donations. You may use Visa, MasterCard, Discover, or American Express credit cards or a PayPal account to donate and your credit card will be charged monthly.

If you prefer to send in your donation rather than donate through this web site, please make checks/money orders payable to:
Holy Family Seminary
401 Randolph Road
Silver Spring, MD 20904

The Seminary can provide you at the end of the year with a receipt for your donations that you can keep with your tax records in case you need it.

Other ways to Donate:

1.End of Year Charitable Donations -
If you make charitable donations at the end of the year and write them off against you income for the year on your tax return, please consider making a donation directly to Holy Family Seminary. The Seminary can provide you with a receipt for your donation that you can keep with your tax records in case you need it.

2.Weekly or Other Frequent Cash Donations
Recently the IRS changes its rules for donations requiring more evidence to verify actual donations and their relative value. If you make regular cash donations each week, or periodically, to the Seminary such as putting cash in the basket in the chapel, you may want to consider writing out a check from now on, instead of cash. Make the check out to Holy Family Seminary and write on the line on the bottom left of the check, where it typically says “For”, and is followed by a blank line, the word “Donation”. That way you will have a record of the donation for tax purposes, and so will the Seminary, so that they can provide you with a receipt at the end of the year, in case you need it for tax purposes. If you do not need such tax receipts, then you may want to continue donating cash.

3.Appreciated stocks
Consider donating appreciated stock to the Seminary. You won’t have to pay taxes on their capitol gains and the seminary won’t have to pay taxes on the gains when it sells the stock. You may also be allowed to deduct the appreciated value of the stock, up to a certain % of your adjusted gross income. Check with your tax preparer or tax advisor.

4.Appreciated Mutual Funds
Check with your tax preparer or advisor to determine the tax advantages of donating appreciated mutual funds, and how to go about donating them.

5.Wills and Trusts -
Many people include their favorite charities, including their church, as beneficiaries in their Wills or Trusts. Why not consider including Holy Family Seminary as a beneficiary of some portion of your assets, knowing that any such funds will be going to a worthy cause, and will be put to good use. In addition, you will know that, that portion of your assets will cause you to be remembered forever. If you want to consider this, talk to your estate planner, will, or trust attorney. Also talk to the superior of the Seminary.

6.Sponsor / Adopt a Seminarian -
Consider sponsoring a seminarian. Schooling for each of the seminarians costs about $8.000.00 per semester, with two semesters a year. You may want to consider sponsoring a seminarian for one semester, for the entire year, or for several years. Such a sponsorship should also be tax deductible, so talk to your tax preparer or advisor.

7.Targeted Donations -
Maybe you would like sponsor something specific at the seminary, such as promote our order's ministries of faith, justice and education in the world, help the poor with the ONG, Manyanet Solidari, provide care for elder and sick priests. Or you just want to help providing new items for the chapel, or for the Seminary facility, or curtains for the rooms, linens for the rooms etc., you may want to consider such a donation to pay for all, or part, of such a project. If you are interested, please call Holy Family Seminary to determine what may be needed, or what you might want to sponsor. Any such donation should be tax deductible, so talk to your tax preparer or advisor also.

May God Bless you abundantly!

© 2009 by Sons of the Holy Family. All rights reserved
"Make of your homes a Nazareth,of your families a Holy Family".May St Joseph Manyanet intercede for you!(Pope John Paul II)